Erik's Music Database - album Ara-193

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
ARA CD 193 T Bulgaria,
Na Kupon S Karandila Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> A few really excellent tunes on this CD of Rom Brass band from Bulgaria LW-2752
Track table (LW-2752)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Doko, Doko (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Excellent tune
2 Got Mi E (I Feel Good) - Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Very nice tune - sounds very "Indian"
3 Izleze Mesechina Orkestar Karandila brass LW> Their version of Mesechina
4 Mercedesi, Mamo (Lele, Male) - (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Good cocek, but not my favorite on this albym
5 Lechkov Kyuchek (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Nice tune
6 Muni, Muni (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Nice tune by there I some other tunes I like better on this album.
7 Vatmanska Sudba (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Very nice tune
8 Grucki Kyucek Orkestar Karandila brass LW> Nice tune - but I think they play it a bit too fast
9 Zapadna Lyubov (Cocek) Orkestar Karandila brass chochek LW> Very Nice tune but a bit fast for my musical taste.
10 Chesi Kyuchek Orkestar Karandila brass LW> Something rhythmically doesn't hold together for me in this tune.
11 Maimunka Orkestar Karandila brass LW> Occasionally - Hard to grasp the rhythym of this tune

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