Erik's Music Database - album Ara-334

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
ARA CD 334 T Bulgaria Gouna Ivanova - Eh, Muko Moya Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
LW> Nice CD - I like the timbre of Gouna's voice. Modern orchestra with fairly nice arrangements LW-2776
Track table (LW-2776)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Houbava Elena (Shirto\Lesnoto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> Nice voice - good instrumentation
2 Konche Si Uzbedov (Devetorka) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
devetorka LW> Very nice singing and good keyboards.
3 Katerino Mome Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice LW> Nice rendition of this song - but Tatiana's is the classic.
4 Eh, Muko Moya (Shirto\Lesnoto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> Nice song, but too much voice-over
5 Kazhi, Velo (Devetorka) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice devetorka LW> Nice devetorka, lively
6 Tamo Dolou Bitola (Lesnoto\Shirto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> Nice song - simple, but nice, instrumental arrangement
7 Tri Noki Ne Sum Zaspalo Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice LW> Very nice song in 11/16 (3+2+2+2+2)
8 Kiradzhiiche (Bavna Pesen) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice LW> Nice slow song with narration in the middle
9 Mome Neveno Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice LW> Nice song
10 Shto Ne Spiesh Milo Libe (Lesnoto\Shirto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> Very nice version of this song
11 Dafino, Tsurven Karamfil (Devetorka) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice devetorka LW> Nice tune
12 Razbolela Se Irina Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice LW> song in 2/4 - slow tempo
13 Napravilo Mome (Lesnoto\Shirto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> Nice Song, I really like the timbre of Gouna's voicxe in this song.
14 More Pile (Lesnoto\shirto) Gouna Ivanova,
Shturo Make Orkestur Gotse Delchev,
Valeri Dimchev,
Alexandur Popov
voice lesnoto LW> I've never been too fond of this song.

No scores are currently available for this recording.