Erik's Music Database - album Arfa-2033

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
ARFA 2033 T Bulgaria,
Arfa (Bulgaria) #2033 - 78 RPM - Ramadan Lolov (Clarinet) Ramadan (Orch) Lolov,
Ivanka Georgieva,
Ramadan Lolov
LW> Interesting .... there is also a Pathe recording of Vse Me E Yad Mamo that is a (Bavna Melodia & Ruchenitsa) rather than a (Bavna Melodia & Pravo Trakysko Horo) as on this recording. LW-3376
Track table (LW-3376)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Spohozhdai Libe, Dohozhdai (Ruchenitsa) Ramadan (Orch) Lolov,
Ivanka Georgieva
voice ruchenitsa LW> The singer is not credited on the label, but at the time of this recording Ivanka Georgieva was Ramadan Lolov's main vocalist..... and it does sound like her voice on the recording.
B1 Vse Me E Yad Mamo (Bavna Melodia & Pravo Trakysko Horo) Ramadan Lolov clarinet pravo LW> Very Nice tunes

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