Erik's Music Database - album Arfa-2055

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
ARFA 2055 T Bulgaria Arfa (Bulgaria) #2055- 78 RPM - Ramadan Lolov (Clarinet) & Ivanka Georgieva Ramadan (Orch) Lolov,
Ivanka Georgieva
LW> Interest and nice songs in an old "city" style. LW-3375
Track table (LW-3375)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Raina Knyagina - Komitkata Ramadan (Orch) Lolov,
Ivanka Georgieva
voice LW> Interesting song. Rhymically it doesn't sound particularly Bulgarian. The label indidates "historical folk song - Panagyursko)
B1 Chakam Te Yanko (Bavna Pesen) Ramadan (Orch) Lolov,
Ivanka Georgieva
voice LW> Very nice slow song

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