Erik's Music Database - album Balkanfolk-7876

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANFOLK BG MC N 7876 T Bulgaria,
Balkanfolk '98 - Bulgarian Dances Zornitsa Orchestra bitov,
LW> Some pretty good tunes, most very danceable, but ion my opinion the bitov group lacks a certain amount of energy. The zurna tunes are great. LW-2994
Track table (LW-2994)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Kutsata (Dobrudzha Ruchenitsa) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice recording.
2 Ruka Zornitsa Orchestra bitov reka LW> Nice recording - perhaps a bit fast for my taste.
3 Sborenka Zornitsa Orchestra bitov LW> Very nice recording -althought I could do without the bass.
4 Opas Zornitsa Orchestra bitov opas LW> Nice recording, but, the feeling is too light for my taste. I don't particularly like the bass.
5 Povlekana (Ruchenitsa) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov ruchenitsa LW> Nice recording of the Dobrudzhean tune, but I'd prefer it without the bass.
6 Cherkezko Horo (9/8 Meter) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov LW> Nice tune in 9/8 (2+2+2+3) - N. Bulgaria
7 Biala Marika (Paidushko) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov paidushko LW> Very nice tune - but I prefer it to be a bit faster. I thing I like the Radostina Kuneva version a bit better.
8 Sitno Vlashko Zornitsa Orchestra bitov LW> Nice tune
9 Dulgata Zornitsa Orchestra bitov LW> Nice tune from N. Bulgaria. 2/4 rhythm (maybe 6/8)
10 Ruchenitsa (N. Bulgaria) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov ruchenitsa LW> Nice tune - a bit modern in the sound but quite nice
11 Jovino (Jove Maloi Mome) Zornitsa Orchestra voice jove LW> Nice rendition, but I'm not in love with the singers voice
12 Chetvorno Zornitsa Orchestra bitov chetvorno LW> Starts off slowly and gets slightly faster - tempo is too slow and energy too low for my taste. However this is a good teaching tune.
13 Bistritsa Kopanica Zornitsa Orchestra bitov gankino LW> Not Yves original tune. A bit low in energy, but the tune speeds up nicely about 2/3 through the tune.... and then slows a little at the end.
14 Kopcheto (Shopska Ruchenitsa) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very Nice tune - good temp and energy. But I could do without the bass
15 Za Poyas (Pravo Shopsko Horo) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov pravo LW> Nice tune - moderate tempo
16 Trite Puti Zornitsa Orchestra bitov trite_puti LW> Very nice tune - a bit slow - I'd prefer it without the bass.
17 Chapraz (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov pravo LW> Nice dance Melody.
18 Dzhinovsko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov pravo LW> Nice tune. But lacks some of the usual Dzhinovsko Energy.
19 Pravo Kermensko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov pravo LW> Nice song and instrumentals
20 Aftanska Ruchenitsa (Trakyska Ruchenitsa) Zornitsa Orchestra bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune.
21 Danke zurna LW> Very good tune.
22 Gaida Avasi zurna,
LW> Excellent tune
23 Krivoto zurna LW> Verry good tune
24 Ogarzhdensko zurna lesnoto LW> Zurna - Starts off with Lesnoto - then Pravoto types. Excellent tunes
25 Ormanli zurna LW> I don't know anything about this dance.

No scores are currently available for this recording.