Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-1040

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHH 1040 T Bulgaria,
Haidoushki Narodni Pesni Nadka Karadzhova,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra,
Yovcho Karaivanov,
Eva Georgieva,
Dimitrina Kouneva,
Nadezhda Hvoineva
voice pravo LW> Excellent album of slow songs LW-1988,
Track table (LW-1988,LW-2604)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1,1 Pyaite, Momi, Pyaite (Bavna Pesen) Nadka Karadzhova,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
voice LW> Excellent singing
A2,2 Yanka Voivoda (Bavna Pesen & Recitation) Yovcho Karaivanov,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
voice LW> Execellent singing - recitation .... welll
A3,3 Rasti Stoyan Ta Porasti (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Eva Georgieva,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
voice pravo LW> I like the singing but there are too many instruments in the orchestra.
B1,4 Sluntseto Trepti, Zahozhda (Bavna Pesen) Dimitrina Kouneva,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
voice LW> Very Nice song
B2,5 Izlel E Delyu Haidoutin (Bavna Pesen) Nadezhda Hvoineva,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
voice LW> Wonderful Voice - very good arrangement - this version and the other version featuring the same artists are actually different. I like this one better.
B3,6 Mama Stoyanou Doumashe (Bavna Pesen) voice LW> Beautiful Voice - Simple Arrangement

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