Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-107

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkanton BHA 107
T Bulgaria Koutev Ensemble,
Koutev Ensemble voice,
trite_puti LW> The classic Koutev Ensemble recordings,
LW> The classic Koutev Ensemble recordings. One side of the record (side A) has some cracke because of some kind of liquid soil on it.
Track table (LW-3081,LW-3255)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1,A1 Dilmano Dilbero Koutev Ensemble voice LW> The Classic Performance
2,A2 Reche Mama Da Me Zheni Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
3,A3 Karai, Mome Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
4,A4 Vecherai, Rado Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
5,A5 Trite Puti Koutev Ensemble bitov trite_puti LW> Wonderful musicianship, but way too orchestrated for my taste
6,B1 Polegnala E Todora Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
7,B2 Prehvrukna Ptichka Koutev Ensemble LW> Wonderful
8,B3 Otishla Moma Hubava Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
9,B4 Bre, Petrounko Koutev Ensemble LW> Excellent
10,B5 Kermensko Horo Koutev Ensemble bitov LW> Very Orchestrated - not good for recreational dancing

No scores are currently available for this recording.