Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-10823

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 10823 T Bulgaria,
Boika Prisadova & Dafo Trandafilov Boika Prisadova,
Dafo Trendafilov,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT,
Anastas Naumov Orchestra,
Dimitur Penev Orch
LW> Excellent singer and Gaida - instrumental accompanyment too modern for my taste LW-1835
Track table (LW-1835)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Goritsa, Sitna, Zelena (Bavna Pesen) Boika Prisadova,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT
voice LW> Excellent song - a bit orchestrated
2 Poukni Se, Tresni Se (Pravo Rhodopsko Horo) Boika Prisadova,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT
pravo LW> Nice Song - A bit too large of a Bitov Orchestra for my taste
3 Zlat Kolyu, Zlatna Yabulka Dafo Trendafilov LW> Beautifully played slow song melody
4 Ruchenitsa (Rhodope) Dafo Trendafilov ruchenitsa
5 Zagorke, Libe Zagorke (Bavna Pesen) Boika Prisadova,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT
voice LW> Beautiful Slow Song
6 Kandisal, Mi E Karadzha I Pravo Horo Dafo Trendafilov pravo LW> Excellent Playing
7 Svornato Horo Dafo Trendafilov svornoto,
LW> Excellent - 9/8 (Daichovo) Rhythm
8 Sbogom, Sus Zdrave, Stara Planino Dafo Trendafilov LW> Excellent instrumental rendition of this song
9 Dvazhdi, Trizhdi Minah Boika Prisadova,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT
voice LW> Excellent voice - I don't like instrumental arrangement (too sweet)
10 Mari Mario, Mario (Rhodopsko Pravo Horo) Boika Prisadova,
Anastas Naumov Orchestra
voice pravo LW> Excellent Voice - very classical sounding instrumental arrangement
11 Oti Mi Plachesh, Boubaiko Dafo Trendafilov
12 Vecheryai, Rado (Pravo Rhodopsko Horo) Boika Prisadova,
Dimitur Penev Orch
voice pravo LW> Excellent voice - I don't like arrangement
13 A Bre, Yunache, Loudo I Mlado Boika Prisadova,
Anastas Naumov Orchestra
voice LW> Excellent vocal - arrangement too modern and sweat

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