Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-11128

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 11128 T Bulgaria Radio Blagoevgrad Presents Folk Songs From Pirin Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra,
Kostadin Gougov,
Atanaska Dimitrova,
Dimitur Kolarov,
Razlog Folk Ensemble,
Emil Ristoskov,
Rossitsa Doureva,
Lyubka Rondova,
Milen Taskov,
Ignat Videnov,
Gancho Nikolov
Track table (LW-1516)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Pileto Mi Pee (Lesnoto) Kostadin Gougov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice lesnoto LW> Very Nice Tune - Tasteful arrangement
2 Slavei Pee Atanaska Dimitrova,
Dimitur Kolarov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
3 Aida, Aida, Mome Stoine Razlog Folk Ensemble,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice LW> Men's chorus
4 Bolna E Legnala Atanaska Dimitrova,
Dimitur Kolarov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
5 Cheresha Se Ot Koren Koren Korneshe Emil Ristoskov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice LW> Very Nicely sung
6 Slavei Pee Yu Planina (Ruchenitsa - Slow) Rossitsa Doureva,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
chalgia ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune - slow ruchenitsa like - Chalgija feeling
7 Bilyana Platno Beleshe Lyubka Rondova,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice LW> I like this the best of the one's I've heard
8 Zanisha Se Shar Planina Razlog Folk Ensemble,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice LW> Terrible Recording
9 Dali Znaesh, Mori, Belo Nedo Milen Taskov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice LW> I like this singers voice, don't like the orchestration
10 Ne Mi Minavai, Georgi (Lesnoto) Ignat Videnov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice lesnoto LW> Nice recording
11 Malkoi Mome Tsvete Bralo (Waltz) Lyubka Rondova,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice waltz LW> Nice Bulgarian Waltz
12 Ranilo Mome Gancho Nikolov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
13 Roume, Mome (Daichovo) Atanaska Dimitrova,
Dimitur Kolarov,
Radio Blagoevgrad Orchestra
voice daichovo LW> Not as good as Tanya Dosseva's recording

No scores are currently available for this recording.