Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-11170

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 11170 T Bulgaria,
Students Of The Shiroka Luka Folk School Shiroka Luka Students,
Nikola Hristov,
Todor Todorov,
Siya Karanlukova,
Kalin Bochoukov,
Vasil Bebelekov
Track table (LW-1513)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Rhodopska Suita Shiroka Luka Students LW> Nice Tunes
2 Tezhka Ruchenitsa Shiroka Luka Students bitov ruchenitsa LW> Nicely played
3 Oti Sa, Goro, Golyamish Shiroka Luka Students LW> Nice Tune
4 Kalino, Trendafilino Shiroka Luka Students voice LW> Don't like this arrangement
5 Smeseno Horo Shiroka Luka Students,
Nikola Hristov
bitov LW> Not the "classic" smeseno", very nicely played
6 Ide Maichitsa Russia Shiroka Luka Students voice LW> Interesting....
7 Rafinka Bolna Legnala Shiroka Luka Students LW> Nice Arrangement
8 Paidushko Horo Shiroka Luka Students,
Todor Todorov
bitov paidushko LW> Not a very good arrangement - but interesting
9 Ya Izlez, Eno Mari Shiroka Luka Students LW> Nice song
10 Ivan Kalinka Doumashe Shiroka Luka Students LW> Not particularly to my liking
11 Stano Mari (Bavna Pesen) Shiroka Luka Students,
Siya Karanlukova,
Kalin Bochoukov
voice LW> Very well done
12 Kontserto Za Gaida I Orkestur Shiroka Luka Students,
Vasil Bebelekov
LW> Wonderful Gaida -- unfortunate orchestration
13 Momne Le, Mari Houbava Shiroka Luka Students voice LW> Don't like instrumental arrangement

No scores are currently available for this recording.