Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-11444

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 11444 T Bulgaria,
Severnyashki Ensemble - 25 Years - Folk Songs And Dances Pleven Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Nadka Tomova,
Dimiter Marinov,
Antonka Kouneva,
Veska Tsocheva,
Dimitur Dimitrov
LW> This album is not particularly well recorded - some of the A Cappella songs are nice.... instrumental tunes are too orchestral. LW-3091,
Track table (LW-3156,LW-3091)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1,1 Praznichka Pesen Severnyashkiya Ansamble voice LW> Energetic tune
A2,2 Tri Miniatyuri Severnyashkiya Ansamble LW> Very nicely sung songs
A3,3 Vezden Bolen Hodya Severnyashkiya Ansamble LW> Very Nice song
A4,4 Ya Izlez, Yano (Ruchenitsa) Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Nadka Tomova
voice ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune - medium tempo
A5,5 Pravo Horo Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Dimiter Marinov
bitov pravo LW> Actually quite nice for a large orchestra.
A6,6 Mela Doina (Devetorka) Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Antonka Kouneva
voice doina,
LW> NOT for the Chetvorno - this is a devetorka tune
A7,7 Oi Rossitse, Oi Trevitse (Devetorka) Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Veska Tsocheva,
Dimitur Dimitrov
voice devetorka LW> Big Ensemble number.... pretty good
B1,8 Suita Za Naroden Orkestur Severnyashkiya Ansamble bitov grancharsko,
LW> Starts out with Gruncharsko, then Trite Puti - interesting.
B2,9 Pile Slavei Severnyashkiya Ansamble LW> Nice A Cappella song
B3,10 Konya Vodya Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Veska Tsocheva
LW> Very nicely performed song
B4,11 Suita Iz "Miziiski Sborenski Tantsi" Severnyashkiya Ansamble voice LW> Big Ensemble number .... not my taste
B5,12 Gane Le (Ruchenitsa) Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Dimitur Dimitrov
voice ruchenitsa LW> Nice song, nice orchestration
B6,13 Radka Si Platno Tucheshe (Ruchenitsa) Severnyashkiya Ansamble,
Veska Tsocheva
voice ruchenitsa LW> Nice melody.... good (but not great) singer
B7,14 Pesen Za Pleven Severnyashkiya Ansamble voice LW> Not particularly to my liking

No scores are currently available for this recording.