Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-12179

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 12179 T Bulgaria,
Gaitani Orkestur - Rousse Gaitani Orkestur voice pravo,
LW> The instrumentals are ok, the singing sounds like it belongs in a cocktail lounge, and the Kosta Kolev arrangements and orchestral adaptation is terrible. LW-3115,
Track table (LW-3115,LW-3163)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1,A1 Proletno Horo (Severnyashko Pravo Horo) Gaitani Orkestur pravo LW> Very nice tune except.... there is a slight annoying background accompanyment. It's a good thing they are kind of quite.
2,A2 Stanke Le, Mome Houbava (Gruncharsko) Gaitani Orkestur voice grancharsko LW> A more modern vocal sound than I like. Slow Gruncharsko meter.
3,A3 Sitno Severnyashko Horo Gaitani Orkestur LW> Nice tune except.... there is a slight annoying background accompanyment. It's a good thing the background is kind of quite.
4,A4 Dafinka Planto Tucheshe Gaitani Orkestur voice LW> I don't like the arrangement of this song - sounds like cocktail lounge music.
5,A5 Elenino Horo Gaitani Orkestur eleno LW> Kosta Kolev's orchestration screws this tune up. It is distracting and distasteful.
6,A6 Shto Si, Libe, Posurnalo (Bavna Pesen) Gaitani Orkestur voice LW> Nice singinging, but, in too much of a cocktail lounge style to suite me.
7,B1 Dragashvoivodsko Horo (Daichovo Horo) Gaitani Orkestur daichovo LW> I don't like Kosta Kolev's arrengement.
8,B2 Idi Mi, Mamo, Poiskai Gaitani Orkestur voice LW> Bulgarian barbership quartet....yuch!
9,B3 Kopanitsa Gaitani Orkestur gankino LW> Fairly nice tune - except that the Kosta Kolev arrangement and orchestral adaptation is terrible.
10,B4 Pasla E Radka Stado (Pravo Horo) Gaitani Orkestur voice pravo LW> I don't like this modernish tune
11,B5 Belensko Horo Gaitani Orkestur LW> Fairly nice tune - except that the Kosta Kolev arrangement and orchestral adaptation is terrible.
12,B6 Momche Koundourdzhiiche (Paidushko) Gaitani Orkestur voice paidushko LW> I don't like the singing style, background music, and arrangement.

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