Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-12230

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 12230 T Bulgaria,
Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances - Yambol Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Elena Gramatikova,
Georgi (Kaval) Ivanov,
Todor Karakolev
LW> Very characteristic Bulgarian folk ensemble tunes - nicely done LW-3128,
Track table (LW-3165,LW-3128)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1,1 Malomirovski Melodii Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol voice LW> Big ensemble arrangement - too "Spectacular" sounding
A2,2 Mamo, Podari Mi (Bavna Pesen) Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Elena Gramatikova
voice LW> Very nice song
A3,3 Kairyashki Melodii Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Georgi (Kaval) Ivanov
kaval LW> Very nice melodies
A4,4 Zapei Mi, Mome Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol LW> I like this song
A5,5 Irichekovsko Horo (Paidushko Horo) Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Todor Karakolev
paidushko LW> Very nice gaida playing with Bitov Orchestra
B1,6 Trista Sa Poushki Pouknali (Bavna Pesen) Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Elena Gramatikova
voice LW> Very nicely performed
B2,7 Hanovska Ruchenitsa Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol,
Georgi (Kaval) Ivanov
kaval ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune and nice kaval playing - not a particularly good dance tune
B3,8 Subrali Se Momite Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol LW> Very nicely perfomed slow song
B4,9 Nestinarska Suita Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol voice LW> Very long and complex suite of dance tunes including Nestinarsko (not appropriate forrecreational folk dancing)

No scores are currently available for this recording.