Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-12234

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 12234 T Bulgaria,
Higher Music-Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv - Performances Of Soloists, Choir And Orchestra Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch,
Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir,
Tanya Dosseva,
Diana Ivanova,
Nikolai Georgiev,
Karssimir Kondov
LW> Modern instrumental arrangements for Bitov Orch (not my taste) and very nice chorus group LW-1952,
Track table (LW-1952)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Concertino for Gudulka and Orchestra Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch bitov,
LW> Classical composition of folk music
2 Muri Nazlum,Vakla Toudoro Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir LW> Beautiful song
3 Skoumbaro, Skoumbaro Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir LW> Excellent song - Part 1 of 3 Part suite.
4 Stani, Raztursi Gi Tanya Dosseva,
Diana Ivanova,
Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir
LW> Excellent song - Part 2 of 3 Part suite.
5 Oi, Chernooko Devoiko Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir LW> Excellent song - Part 3 of 3 Part suite.
6 Vido, Vido Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir LW> Very Nice Choral song
7 Balno Li Ti E, Sino Lyo Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir LW> Excellent song
8 Burzata Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch bitov LW> I don't like this kind of music
9 Mouzikalni Dialozi Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch bitov LW> Not my taste in Bitov music
10 Mouzikalna Igra za Kaval, Gaida I Orkestur Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch,
Nikolai Georgiev,
Karssimir Kondov
LW> Interesting arrangement
11 Piesa Za Kaval I Orkestur Nikolai Georgiev,
Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch
LW> Nice piece - very modern arrangement
12 Maklamiskata Za Gaida I Orkestur Karssimir Kondov,
Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch
LW> Modern arrangement - not to my liking

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