Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-12711

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 12711 T Bulgaria The Voice Of Pirin Pirin Ensemble,
Nikola Kostov,
Kateriona Kostadinova,
Iliya Argirov,
Rouska Stoimenova,
Tatyana Surbinska,
Pirinka Hristova,
Zdravka Hristova
LW> This is a compilation re-release. Most of the tunes have appeared on other albums, but, the tune selection is good here. LW-1956,
Track table (LW-1956)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Pirinsko Horo Pirin Ensemble voice LW> Not really! Very similar to but slightly shorter arrangement than on Balkanton BHA 11978
2 Vurni Se Loudo Pirin Ensemble voice LW> Nice arrangement (3+2+2+2+2). Slightly longer version...
3 Doidi, Maiko, Izprati Me Pirin Ensemble voice LW> Nice Tune with retard in the middle
4 Yantra Na Struma Tihom Govori (Bavna Pesen) Pirin Ensemble voice LW> Very Pretty Song
5 Pirinska Svatba Pirin Ensemble LW> Complex parts in this song.
6 Vila Sei Gora Pirin Ensemble
7 Na Trapeza Pirin Ensemble,
Nikola Kostov
kaval na_trapeza LW> Excellent tune - Slow kaval tune played in Kaba.
8 Deli Na Vaida Doumashe Pirin Ensemble bitov LW> Beautifully Song Song
9 De Gidi, Loudi-Mladi Godini (Lesnoto) Pirin Ensemble,
Kateriona Kostadinova,
Iliya Argirov
voice lesnoto LW> Very nice tune
10 Zamruknalo E Maloi Momiche Pirin Ensemble,
Rouska Stoimenova
voice LW> Excellent song. Alternates between 7/8 (3+2+2) Instrumental & 3+2+2+2+2 Vocal parts
11 Katerino Mome Pirin Ensemble,
Tatyana Surbinska
voice LW> Excellent
12 Na Ti, Mome, Dzi Vri Pirin Ensemble LW> Very nice tune
13 Zvonche Drunka Pirin Ensemble,
Pirinka Hristova,
Zdravka Hristova
LW> Very nice choral tune
14 Doidi, Loudo Pirin Ensemble LW> Very Nice song
15 Koito Me Choue Da Peya Pirin Ensemble voice waltz LW> Waltz-like - probably a stari gradski song
16 More Pile, Slavei Pile (Lesnoto) Pirin Ensemble voice lesnoto LW> Very pretty but not at all gutsy

No scores are currently available for this recording.