Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-2077

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHA 2077 T Bulgaria 25 Years Of The Ensemble For Folksongs Of The Bulgarian Television & Radio Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble,
Yanka Roupkina,
Blagoi Blagoev,
ANPKTR Orchestra,
Yovcho Karaivanov
LW> There are a few really nice choral pieces on this album. I don't like any of the Bitov Orchrestra tunes LW-3070,
Track table (LW-3070,LW-3147)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1,1 Lyulka Se Lyulya, Devoiko Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble voice LW> Very nice tune
A2,2 Balkandzhiisko Horo (Chetvorno) Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble bitov chetvorno LW> Very good recording - especially considering the size of the orchestra.
A3,3 Kalimanku Denku Muri (Bavna Pesen) Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble,
Yanka Roupkina
voice LW> Beautifully performed
A4,4 Eknalo Me E Poleto (track skips) Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble voice LW> Nice song - bur recording has a skip in it.
A5,5 Stvatba Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble LW> Very nicely performed
A6,6 Treklyansko Horo Blagoi Blagoev,
ANPKTR Orchestra
frula trite_puti LW> 2/4 Horo like Trite Puti
B1,7 Trite Puti Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble bitov,
trite_puti LW> Nice Kaval, but otherwise way to orchestrated for me.... not a good dance tune.
B2,8 Muri Yano (Bavna Pesen) Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble,
Yovcho Karaivanov
voice LW> Very beautiful arrangement for soloist and chorus...
B3,9 Zadyavka Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble voice LW> Nice singing, but, I don't like the contemporary arrangement
B4,10 Mesechinko Lyo Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble LW> Beuatiful choral piece
B5,11 Sitnata Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble bitov LW> N. Bulgarian tune - way too orchestrated for my taste

No scores are currently available for this recording.