Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-245

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkanton BHA 245
T Bulgaria,
Makedonski Narodni Pesni Pirin Ensemble,
Iliya Argirov,
Maria Kokareshkova,
Kostadin Gougov,
M Kostadinova,
Stefan Ivanov,
Gotse Delchev Enselble Sofia,
N Stoyanova
lesnoto LW-1553,
Track table (LW-1553)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Oi Devoiche (Lesnoto) Pirin Ensemble,
Iliya Argirov
bitov lesnoto LW> Nice Lesnoto
2 Ai, Da Idem, Yano (Lesnoto) Maria Kokareshkova voice lesnoto LW> Not the 2/4 version
3 Aide Pushka Poukna Kostadin Gougov voice LW> Gougov good - instrumentation horrible!
4 Digni Si Mome, Ochite (9/8) M Kostadinova,
Stefan Ivanov,
Gotse Delchev Enselble Sofia
voice LW> Shto Mi Je Milo rhythm (2+3+2+2) - too sweat for my taste
5 Yano, Yagne (Lesnoto) Stefan Ivanov,
Gotse Delchev Enselble Sofia
voice lesnoto LW> Fair
6 Tamo Daleko Voda Li Doteche N Stoyanova,
Gotse Delchev Enselble Sofia
voice LW> Nothing special
7 Aksano, Mlado Devoiche voice LW> Interesting - nice song (9/8 - 2+3+2+2) and instrumental (7/8 - 3+2+2)
8 Oi Ti Mome, Loudo Li Si Gotse Delchev Enselble Sofia voice LW> Not a strong performance

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