Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-3290

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BALKANTON BHK 3290 T Bulgaria Petur Kirkov & Georgi Stefanov - Two Accordions Petur Kirov,
Georgi Stefanov,
Lyuben Tachev Orch
accordion daichovo,
LW> Nice accordion duets and accompanying modern orch LW-2064
Track table (LW-2064)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Reselchansko Horo (Daichovo Horo) Petur Kirov,
Georgi Stefanov,
Lyuben Tachev Orch
accordion daichovo LW> Nice playing, but a bit slow and uninspired for a Daichovo
B1 Dragalevska Ruchenitsa Petur Kirov,
Georgi Stefanov,
Lyuben Tachev Orch
accordion ruchenitsa LW> Nice medium tempo accordion ruchenitsa

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