Erik's Music Database - album Beograd_Disk-327

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
BEOGRAD DISK SBK 327 T Toma Spasojevic With Ansambl Drgagana Aleksandrica Toma Spasojevic frula LW-393
Track table (LW-393)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Gruzanka Toma Spasojevic frula LW> Not The Dance We Do
B1 U-Sest (Sumadijska Zavrzlama) Toma Spasojevic frula LW> Fast
B2 Sumadijska Zavrzlama Toma Spasojevic frula LW> Fast U-Sest

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