Erik's Music Database - album Columbia-8436

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
COLUMBIA (England/Bulgaria-Purple) D8436 T Bulgaria,
Columbia (England-Bulgaria) #D8436 - Georgi A. Kehaiov - Kaval Georgi Kehaiov kaval,
ruchenitsa LW> Solo Kaval;Second copy purchased Varna 2008-03-27;;;,
LW> Solo Kaval;Second copy purchased Varna 2008-03-27;;One of 2 copies that Plovdiv Ethn Museum has.;;This record seems in pretty good condition, but, there is a lot of mechanical background noise (rumble).;;;
Track table (LW-2221,LW-3329)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Dimitur Rano Podrani Georgi Kehaiov kaval LW> Slow Improvisational melody. One copy of this record skips on beginning of this track... other copy ok.
B1 Ya Vikni Slavke Georgi Kehaiov kaval,
ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune changes between Bavna pesen and Ruchenitsa

No scores are currently available for this recording.