Erik's Music Database - album Diktator-813

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
DIKTATOR 813 T Bulgaria,
Diktator #813 - 78 RPM - Olga Nikolova Olga Nikolova,
Peyu Nikolov Orch
voice LW-2389
Track table (LW-2389)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Sun Sunouvah Olga Nikolova,
Peyu Nikolov Orch
voice LW> Some type of slow song.
B1 Anchego i Lencheto Olga Nikolova,
Peyu Nikolov Orch
voice LW> Some kind of nice zippy tune, sounds like a mixture of Romanian & Macedonian styles.

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