Erik's Music Database - album Folk_Sounds_Records-1006

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Folk Sounds Records FSR1006 TI Romania,
Gheorghe Trambitas - Voice of the Taragot voice,
doina LN-CDR266
Track table (LN-CDR266)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 De doi din Maciova
2 De pe Salaj
3 Batranesc din Grisii Baii Mari
4 Tropotita
5 Doina de la Tebea doina
6 Din Padureni
7 Rar de la Rupea
8 De la Caransebes
9 Invartita din Tara Fagarasului
10 De doi din Dalci
11 Romanta (Rita)
12 Jiana
13 Hategana
14 Ca-n-Banat
15 Invartita lui Litisor
16 De doi din Caransebes
17 Doiul lui Luca

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