Erik's Music Database - album Gega-106

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
GEGA GD 106,
Gega GEGA CD 106
TI Bulgaria,
Musical Instruments In Bulgaria - Gaida,
The Greatest Bulgarian Folkdances
Sto Gajdi,
Georgi Kichukov,
Rhodopea Kaba Trio,
Georgi Mussorliev,
Alexander Raichev,
Bulgarian National Radio Folk Orchestra,
Georgi Doichev,
Ognyan (Jimmy) Vassilev,
Peicho (Gaida) Peev,
Kostadin Varimezov,
Stojan Velichkov,
Nedyo Mirkov,
Pencho Atanasov,
Kostadin Atanasov,
Dimiter Choupetlovski,
Iliya Dimitrov,
Karssimir Kondov,
Trifon (Gaida) Trifonov,
Zahari Ivanov,
Dancho Yossifov,
Minko Dimitrov,
Nikola Atanasov,
Dobrudzhanskata Troika
More info for this album at Track table (LW-2745)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 A Medley Of Rhodope Songs Sto Gajdi LW> Quite typical sound for many Rhodope gaidas
2 Duma Sa Duma Ot Stari Lyude Georgi Kichukov,
Rhodopea Kaba Trio
voice LW> Very nice playing and women's vocal trio
3 Shepherd's Song, Svornato And Pravo Horo Georgi Mussorliev gaida svornoto,
LW> Excellent example of Kaba gaida
4 Bouenek Alexander Raichev,
Bulgarian National Radio Folk Orchestra
LW> Thrace tune - pretty nice, simple arrangement - not too bad
5 Na Megdana Georgi Doichev,
Ognyan (Jimmy) Vassilev
gaida LW> Very nice tune - really nice drumming and gaida
6 Spring Horo- Filesti Peicho (Gaida) Peev,
Ognyan (Jimmy) Vassilev
LW> Strandja - tune performed during Filek (lenten period) when normally there is no dancing.
7 Na Borba Kostadin Varimezov,
Stojan Velichkov
LW> - A Melody From Karnobat Region - Stoyan Velichkov playing tupan ??? interesting...At any rate - very nice playing
8 Gergeliiskata Nedyo Mirkov,
Pencho Atanasov
LW> Excellent tune from E. Thrace
9 Macedonian Rhythms Kostadin Atanasov,
Bulgarian National Radio Folk Orchestra
gaida LW> Nice gaida playing - ruined by an arrangement I don't like
10 Pravo Shopsko Horo Dimiter Choupetlovski gaida pravo LW> Another example of a really nice gaida tune - ruined by a stupid arrangement of modern instruments - Shopluk
11 Shopska Ruchenitsa Iliya Dimitrov gaida ruchenitsa LW> Excellent gaida playing and acc.
12 Melodies From Kula Karssimir Kondov,
Bulgarian National Radio Folk Orchestra
gaida LW> Nice gaida playing - but inappropriate arrangement
13 Izruchanka & Gruncharsko Trifon (Gaida) Trifonov gaida grancharsko LW> Excellent Gaida playing .... I can't quite get the rhythm in the Gruncharsko
14 Light Wedding Horo And Horo Bibichi Zahari Ivanov,
Dancho Yossifov
gaida LW> Fabulous Gaida and Tupan - from Belogradchik - NW Bulgaria
15 Bavna Melodiya I Ruchenitsa Minko Dimitrov gaida ruchenitsa LW> Unusual Gaida - two reeds in chanter - from Dolishte (Varna)
16 Leading Out The Bride And Trite Puti Nikola Atanasov trite_puti LW> Excellent tunes - beautifully played
17 Danets Dobrudzhanskata Troika reka LW> Excellent rendition of this tune!

No scores are currently available for this recording.