Erik's Music Database - album Gramophone_Concert_Record-4-12394-12395

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORD G.C.-4-12394 & 12395 T Bulgaria Gramophone Concert Record (Bulgaria) G.C.-4-12394 & 12395 - 78 RPM - Brushlayanov ?? - Ts Brashlyanov LW> Very Old record - label difficult to decipher - however, very good solo male singer. LW-2830
Track table (LW-2830)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Ioustin ....Pope Ts Brashlyanov LW> Cannot quite deceipher title of song. Very old record. Very nicely ornamented song. Label indicates "Sofia"
B1 Zashto Mi E .... Libe Ts Brashlyanov LW> Cannot quite deceipher title of song. Very old record. Very nicely ornamented song. Label indicates "Sofia"

No scores are currently available for this recording.