Erik's Music Database - album Jay_Tee-38249

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
JAY-TEE JAY-TEE 38249 T Macedonia,
Macedonian Horos II By Joe Tricoff And His Orchestra Joe Tricoff brass,
Track table (LW-2688)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Gaida Horo Joe Tricoff brass,
LW> Very Nice tune - Speeds up at end - Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
2 Nina Nae Sitro Joe Tricoff brass LW> Not particularly to my taste - Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
3 Ziakoo Horo Joe Tricoff brass LW> I have NO idea about what this dance is supposed t be. Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
4 Shana Horo Joe Tricoff brass LW> Like Zikino Kolo. Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
5 Tsamiko Horo Joe Tricoff brass tsamikos LW> Macedonian
6 Sirto Horo Joe Tricoff brass syrtos LW> Macedonian
7 Narodno Horo (Voyda Voycha) Joe Tricoff brass LW> Macedonian wedding bread dance tune
8 Paidushko Horo Joe Tricoff brass paidushko LW> Excellent. Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
9 Levoto Horo Joe Tricoff brass LW> Essential the same as Epiros Sta Dyo. Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
10 Daichovo Horo Joe Tricoff brass daichovo LW> Quite Good. Remastered tune with too much brightness - should be redone.
11 Ciganskoto (Tsigonsko Horo) Joe Tricoff brass LW> Excellent - long.

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