Erik's Music Database - album Jugoton-4062

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
JUGOTON EPY 4062 T Macedonia Makedonske Narodne Pjesme I Ora Iz Kukoskog Kraja Stefcho Arizonov,
Georgi Arizonov,
Atanas Janev,
Marija Kaluzova
LW> Folklore group "Ruseli" from the village of Sikirnik (Strumica) LW-2503
Track table (LW-2503)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Kukushko Oro (7/8) Stefcho Arizonov,
Georgi Arizonov,
Atanas Janev
zurna LW> sounds like 1-2, 1-2,1-2,1 or 1-2,1-2, 1-2-3
A2 Zlato Oro Kukushko (2/4) Stefcho Arizonov,
Georgi Arizonov,
Atanas Janev
zurna LW> Very nice tune in 2/4
B1 Pile Pejee Marija Kaluzova voice LW> Absolutely authentic singer accompanied by own daire playing
B2 Ajsho, Ajshou Marija Kaluzova voice LW> Absolutely authentic singer accompanied by own daire playing - Sounds like song is in Turkish

No scores are currently available for this recording.