Erik's Music Database - album Jugoton-4323

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
JUGOTON EPY 4323 T Macedonia Svadbene Mijachke Pjesme Svira Ansambl Majovci Trio Majovci zurna LW> Excellent Zurla & Tupan tunes - Mostly wedding songs. LW-2481
Track table (LW-2481)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Koga Se Odi Po Tapanite Trio Majovci zurna LW> I don't have a clue about this tune.
A2 Trgna Mome Na Voda Trio Majovci zurna LW> I don't have a clue about this tune.
B1 Koga Se Odi Po Nevestata Trio Majovci zurna LW> I don't have a clue about this tune.
B2 Koga Se Oi Na Venchanje Trio Majovci zurna LW> I don't have a clue about this tune.

No scores are currently available for this recording.