Erik's Music Database - album Kristal-48

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
KRISTAL 48 T Bulgaria Kristal (Bulgaria) - #48 - Atanaska Todorova & Stanil Payakov Atanaska Todorova,
Stanil Payakov
LW> Excellent Kaval playing, interesting tunes and nice singing LW-2910
Track table (LW-2910)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Grozdanka Douma Dimitrou (Bavna Pesen) Atanaska Todorova,
Stanil Payakov
LW> Very nice singing and excellent kaval playing
B1 Az Sum Ergen Atanaska Todorova,
Stanil Payakov
voice LW> Very interesting meter 9/16 + 11/16 (2+2+2+3, 3+3+2+3)

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