Erik's Music Database - album London_Record-3223

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
London Record (Bulgaria) #3223 - Karlo Iliev (Karlo Tsigancheto) Karlo Iliev brass ruchenitsa LW> Karlo "Tsigancheto" is Karlo Iliev, leader of the Karlo Ensemble. One side tracks well. The other has a skip which MIGHT be able to be corrected during the transfer process. LW-2836
Track table (LW-2836)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Breznishko Horo Karlo Iliev brass LW> Excellent NW Bulgarian/Shope 2/4 tune.
B1 Shopska Ruchenitsa Karlo Iliev brass ruchenitsa LW> This track has a skip near the beginning. It does not want to track correctly bui skip forward. Ther MAY be some things that can be done to transfer it properly for digitizing.

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