Erik's Music Database - album Media_Services-LN-CDR276

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Media Services TI Romania K1 - Pentru Romania LN-CDR276
Track table (LN-CDR276)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Y Baila
2 Invinge Mereu! Intro _ Always Win! Intro
3 Pentru Romania _ For Romania
4 Tanar Mereu _ Forever Young
5 Sa Ne Traiasca (Si Sa Ne Fie) _ Long Live ( And Good Fo
6 Fac Ce Vreau _ I Do What I Want
7 Hai Bordei
8 Ultimul Plaies _ The Last Peasant
9 Un Vis Pierdut _ A Lost Dream
10 Sabotage
11 Sunt Eu _ It's Me
12 Regina Viselor _ Queen Of Dreams
13 Vine Hulpe _ _ Come Fox_
14 Te Voi Iubi Mereu _ I Will Always Love You
15 Haide, Vino, Mandra Mea (As Uita De Lumea Rea) _ Come,
16 Fata Cu Ochii De Smarald _ The Girl With The Emerald Ey
17 Sabotage

No scores are currently available for this recording.