Erik's Music Database - album Media_Services-LN-CDR277

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Media Services TI Romania Ro-Mania - De 10 Ani LN-CDR277
Track table (LN-CDR277)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Geaba Lele_ It's Useless, Madam
2 Geaba Lele_ It'S Useless, Madam
3 Of, Mai Dorule _ _ My Soul Hurts
4 Lasa-Ma Sa Beau _ Let Me Drink
5 Cei Cu Inima Romana _ Those With Romanian Heart
6 Of, Lume, Lume _ Oh, World
7 Au, Inima, Au! _ My Heart Is In Pain
8 Bolobocul _ Barrel
9 Calusul _ Popular Dance
10 Ma Dusei Sa Trec La Olt _ I Passed The River Olt
11 Sa-Ti Sara Basca _ The Hat In The Air
12 Fost-Am Dus _ Gone From Home
13 Crasmarita _ Inkeeping Lady
14 Dulce-I Vinul _ Sweet Is The Wine
15 Haideti Sa Cantam _ Let's Sing
16 Radu Mamii, Radule _ Mother's Darling Radu
17 Sanie Cu Zurgalai _ Sleigh With Bells
18 Canta, Romane! _ Sing, Romanian!
19 Hai, Inima, Hai _ Common Heart
20 Badie, Nu Uita _ Baby, Don't Forget

No scores are currently available for this recording.