Erik's Music Database - album Mikrophon-4017

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
MIKROPHON 4017 T Bulgaria Mikrophon (Bulgaria) #4017- 78 RPM - Vasilka Houmarska & Orch Kavaldzhiev Kavaldzhiev(Ivan) Orchestra,
Vas P Houmarska
daichovo LW> Record warped a beginning but will track LW-3023
Track table (LW-3023)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Nato Sedish Nado Na Dva Drouma (Daichovo) Kavaldzhiev(Ivan) Orchestra,
Vas P Houmarska
voice daichovo LW> Record has ripples.... record at 33rpm and then change pitch in SoundForge by reducing the final time to 42.30% of the recorded length (33/78 = 42.30). Nice song.
B1 Naklana Nenka Sedenka (Basvna Pesen) Kavaldzhiev(Ivan) Orchestra,
Vas P Houmarska
voice LW> Record has ripples.... record at 33rpm and then change pitch in SoundForge by reducing the final time to 42.30% of the recorded length (33/78 = 42.30). Nice song.

No scores are currently available for this recording.