Erik's Music Database - album Mikrophon-4042

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
MIKROPHON 4042 T Bulgaria Mikrophon - #4042 - Nikola Tsonev Conducting The Army Brass Band Of The N. V. Ouchiliste Voenno Predstavitelniya Douhov Orkestar (Army Brass Band) brass ruchenitsa,
LW> Bulg Duhov Orchestra - record has crack in it at the beginning, but, it is playable with 3.3 mil cartridge. LW-2948
Track table (LW-2948)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Ruchenitsa Voenno Predstavitelniya Douhov Orkestar (Army Brass Band) ruchenitsa LW> Bulgarian Duhov band. Record cracked at beginning.
B1 Daichovo Hor0 Voenno Predstavitelniya Douhov Orkestar (Army Brass Band) daichovo LW> Bulgarian Duhov orchestra - Record cracked at beginning

No scores are currently available for this recording.