Erik's Music Database - album Mikrophon-4148

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
MIKROPHON 4148 T Bulgaria Mikrophon (Bulgaria) #4148 - 78 RPM - Atanas Avdzhiev (Fizarmonika) Atanas Avdzhiev voice ruchenitsa LW> Record had crack in it from outer rim about 1 1/2" in. LW-2950
Track table (LW-2950)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Ovchari Choukkat Kurmilo (Bavna Pesen) Atanas Avdzhiev voice LW> Not particularly beautifully sung. Record had crack in it from outer rim about 1 1/2" in toward center. Will track with slight weight on cartridge head.
B1 Rano Ranila Grovdanka (Ruchenitsa) Atanas Avdzhiev voice ruchenitsa LW> Nice tune - but nothing particularly remarkable. Record had crack in it from outer rim about 1 1/2" in toward center. Will track with slight weight on cartridge head.

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