Erik's Music Database - album Mikrophon-4218

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
MIKROPHON 4218 T Bulgaria,
Mikrophon (Bulgaria) #4218- 78 RPM - Aneta Tsankova Aneta Tsankova,
Mikrophon Orchestra,
Danya Tsoneva
voice tango LW> Record is Cracked but is playable. Fidelity is quite good. Songs have a "Russian" cabaret feeling. Nopt particularly to my liking LW-2841
Track table (LW-2841)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Bolka Sviva Mi Surdtseto (Slow Song - Tango Like) Aneta Tsankova,
Mikrophon Orchestra
voice tango LW> Kind of like "Russian" sounding cabaret slow song.
B1 Zalyulyala Yanka Aneta Tsankova,
Mikrophon Orchestra,
Danya Tsoneva
voice LW> Not my kind of song ...slow "stari gradski" I think

No scores are currently available for this recording.