Erik's Music Database - album Nina_Kavardjikova-2002-01

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
NINA KAVARDJIKOVA NK 2002.01 T Bulgaria,
Bulgarian Folk Dances With Nina Kavardjikova - 2002.01 bitov,
LW> Some very nice dance tunes on this CD - no credits given. LW-2977
Track table (LW-2977)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Haskovska Lesa (Pravo Trakysko Horo) pravo LW> Very nice tune - recording quality is not particularly good
2 Adzhibelika bitov LW> Sounds like recording from Pirin Ens Repertoire.
3 Gumzovyana frula LW> Tune from Vlach village (Gumzovo) in region Bulgarias refer to as Mizia. This sounds like Ensemble Trakiya to me.
4 Dzhanguritsa kaval,
LW> Not a particularly strong recording. It actually may not be a Kaval but another flute like instrument instead (like a recorder).
5 Sitnitsa frula LW> Very nice tune but poorly recorded
6 Trakyska Ruchenitsa bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune but goes from Trakyska Ruchenita into Shopska Ruchenitsa and then fades out.
7 Sitno Vlashko bitov LW> Nice dance tune in 2/4 rhythm from Mizia (Vlach) region. Sounds like Ensembe Trakia folks
8 Zeravnesko LW> I know nothing about this dance from Thrace in 7/8 rhythm (2+2+3)
9 Lomska Ruchenitsa bitov ruchenitsa LW> Nice recording, but nothing special
10 Bachvanka accordion LW> Nice tune
11 Kulska Izruchanka bitov LW> Very nice tune - sounds like Ensemble Trakiya folks.
12 Ludoto Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) bitov pravo LW> Very nice sound for a big ensemble, possibly Ensemble Trakiya. Recording is very badly "overloaded" and doesn't sound particularly at the beginning
13 Karlovska Ruchenitsa bitov ruchenitsa LW> Too much of "BIG" orchestral sound for my taste
14 Rhodopska Suita (Pravo Rhodopsko Horo) pravo LW> Excellent tunes with lots of energy - slow introduction for about a minute.
15 Lyaski (Nevrokopsko/Prela Baba) LW> Not a particularly good recording and I don't particularly like the instrumentation.
16 Kulska Bachvanka bitov LW> Nice recording - Vlach region
17 Igra Na Dvamina bitov LW> I just doing quite understand where this tune fits into Pirin ethnography.
18 Tropanka bitov reka LW> Very nice tune with some interesting melodic embelishments.
19 Brasni Tsurvul bitov LW> Very nice recording, good energy, nice singing
20 Samokovsko Horo (Devetorka) devetorka LW> Very nice rendition of this tune in 9/8 (2+2+2+3)

No scores are currently available for this recording.