Erik's Music Database - album Odeon-192078

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
ODEON (Bulgaria) A 192078 T Bulgaria,
Odeon (Bulgaria) #A 192078- 78 RPM - Potin (Humorist) & Stoyan Velikov (Gaida) I G Potin,
Stoyan Velikov
gaida LW> Interesting combination for a record - Shope humorist on one side and gaida player on the other LW-2843
Track table (LW-2843)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Veturo (Shope Humor) I G Potin LW> Humorist
B1 Taz Vecher Nema Boulya Ti Stoyan Velikov LW> Interesting tune. Namely it appears to be in 3/4 or 6/7 meter, not common in this area.

No scores are currently available for this recording.