Erik's Music Database - album Pi-33

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
PI LPS 33 T Greece,
Soul Dances Of The Greeks hassaposervikos,
Track table (LW-70)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Vari Hasapiko (Dance My Love) LW> Modern Instrumental
A2 Zeimbekiko (My Broken Love) LW> Modern Instrumental
A3 Hassaposerviko (Carefree And Happy) hassaposervikos LW> Modern Instrumental
A4 Tsifteteli (The Girl At The Street) chiftetelli LW> Modern Instrumental
A5 Karsilamas (The Carefree Dapper) karsilamas LW> Bad Modern Instrumental
A6 Syrtaki LW> Modern Instrumental
A7 Slow Hasapiko (Dance My Love) LW> Modern Instrumental
B1 Kalamatiano (Aristidis) kalamatianos LW> Good Ethnic Sound
B2 Ikariotiko (Dance Of Ikaria LW> Other Recording Better
B3 Tsamiko (The Eagle) tsamikos LW> Good Recording
B4 Kritiko Syrto syrtos LW> Fast Music - Lively
B5 Zonaradiko LW> Other Music Better
B6 Mihanikos
B7 Kastrinos (Cretan Sytro) LW> Fast

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