Erik's Music Database - album Victory_Records-301100-9089-9092-2

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
VICTORY RECORDS MC 301100/9089 OR /9092-2 T Bulgaria,
Dobrichka Troika Dobrichka Troika bitov,
LW> Excellent tunes - recording should have been less "shrill" LW-2441
Track table (LW-2441)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Dorboudzhansko Horo (Opas) Dobrichka Troika bitov opas
2 Bruchmaliiski Marsh (March) Dobrichka Troika bitov march
3 Legna Pri Mama Dobrichka Troika bitov
4 Silistrenski Pandalazh Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Excellent tune (2+2+3)
5 Varnenski Tants Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Same as Meldoy for "Varnenski Kyuchek" but played faster.
6 Preselsko Horo Dobrichka Troika bitov
7 Dobroudzhanska Ruka Dobrichka Troika bitov reka LW> Excellent tune - not a pretty as Yves' recording but more authentic
8 Trite Puti (.... Actually A Paidushko) Dobrichka Troika bitov trite_puti,
LW> Must be mislabled is actually a "Paidushko" - excellent
9 Dobroudzhanska Ruchenitsa Dobrichka Troika bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune
10 Dragano, Mome (Tropanka) Dobrichka Troika bitov reka LW> Excellent tune
11 Elin Pelin (Ruchenitsa) Dobrichka Troika bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice Dobroudzhean ruchenitsa
12 Bavna Melodia Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Slow song melody from Dobroudzha
13 Kalcho Ivanovata (Gruncharsko) Dobrichka Troika bitov grancharsko LW> Excellent Dobroudzhean tune - but a bit short 2+3+2+2
14 Tervelsko Horo (Opas) Dobrichka Troika bitov opas LW> Excellent tune
15 Gaidarska Melodiya Dobrichka Troika bitov,
LW> Very Nice -
16 Gagaouski Tants Dobrichka Troika bitov daichovo LW> Excelent tune in 9/8 (2+2+2+3) - daichovo tempo
17 Pandalazh Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Excellent tune
18 Sborenka Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Excellent tune - slightly faster than I like, but excellent nonethelesss
19 Talima Dobrichka Troika bitov
20 Roumunski Tants Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> Romanian Dance?
21 Raina Popgeorgievata Dobrichka Troika bitov lesnoto LW> Interesting tune for the region - in 7/8 (2+2+3) like Lesnoto
22 Alfatarski Ruchenik Dobrichka Troika bitov ruchenitsa LW> Faster tempo than I'm accustomed to for Ruchenik
23 Vedrinska Ruchenitsa Dobrichka Troika bitov ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune
24 Sun Sunouvah Dobrichka Troika bitov,
LW> Probably a vocal song
25 Kolio Burzakovata Dobrichka Troika bitov
26 Surba Ofitseriaska (Sirba?) Dobrichka Troika bitov sirba LW> I have no idea what the title indicates?
27 Untitled Last Tune (Bavna Melodiya) Dobrichka Troika bitov LW> This tune was not identified on the CD.

No scores are currently available for this recording.