Erik's Music Database - score search: work tape is Youtube and nationality/style is Finland and rhythm is polka

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Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB3124 Finland 2 polka Ellin Polkka accordion Viola Turpeinen YouTube
EB3238A Finland 2 polka Loylya lissaa accordion,
Veikko Ahvenainen ALP-117 Audio-Finnish RamonaW not yet scanned
EB3250A Finland 2 polka Loylya lissaa accordion,
Veikko Ahvenainen ALP-117 Audio-Finnish RamonaW not yet scanned
EB3254 Finland 2 polka Heili Karjalasta voice,
Henry Theel YouTube RamonaW not yet scanned