Erik's Music Database - album Balkanton-1915

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkanton Balkanton BHA 1915
3STI Bulgaria,
Delcho Mitev & Dimitur Kolev,
Делчо Митев, Димитър Колев,
Delcho Mitev, Dimiter Kolev
Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
LW> There are some really nice tunes & accordion playing on this album.... however.... kosta kolev's arrangement (heavy on violins and bowed bass) don't do much for me.,
More info for this album at Track table (LW-3108,LW-3178)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1,A1 Kopanica Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
accordion gankino LW> Excellent tune and nice arrangement - fast but good
2,A2 Belokladenska Ruchenitsa Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
ruchenitsa LW> Very nice - somethat fast - ruchenitsa - excellent accorionist
3,A3 Izvorsko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
pravo LW> Very nice tune - medium tempo
4,A4 Gledkinska Ruchenitsa Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
ruchenitsa LW> Excellent Thracian Ruchenitsa
5,A5 Boichevsko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
pravo LW> Very nice tune.... nice simple melody.... not an objectionable orchestral back-up,..... except for the beginning which I don't like
6,A6 Golyamoizvorsko Ruchenitsa Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
ruchenitsa LW> Very nice tune - sound and feels like a Thracian Dobrudzhean tune
7,B1 Kroumovgradsko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
pravo LW> Very very nice tune, except for the intro & the faint background orchestra
8,B2 Slavyanovska Ruchenitsa (Trakyska Ruchenitsa) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
ruchenitsa LW> Very nice Thracian Ruchenitsa
9,B3 Stambolovsko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
pravo LW> Excellent tune - has a nice swing to it.
10,B4 Paidushko Horo Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
accordion paidushko LW> Melody and accordionist are very good - but the bowed and plucked background arrangement is not particularly good.
11,B5 Yambolska Ruchenitsa Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
ruchenitsa LW> The strings at the beginning of the tune don't work for me. The arrangement, generally, is not one that appeals to me.
12,B6 Roumeliisko Horo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Delcho Mitev,
Dimitur Kolev,
Kosta Kolev Orchestra
violin pravo LW> Nice pravo, except for the violins in the arrangement.
Score table
Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB1513 Bulgaria 22322 gankino Boichevsko horo accordion,
Dimitur Kolev,
Delcho Mitev
Balkanton-1915 Kolev_Mitev
EB1514 Bulgaria 223 ruchenitsa Golyamoizvorsko ruchenitsa accordion,
Dimitur Kolev,
Delcho Mitev
Balkanton-1915 Kolev_Mitev
EB1516 Bulgaria 33 pravo Kroumovgradsko horo accordion,
Dimitur Kolev,
Delcho Mitev
Balkanton-1915 Kolev_Mitev