Erik's Music Database - album Caprice-1085

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
CAPRICE CAP 1085 4ST Bulgaria,
Music From Bulgaria - Deben Bhattacharya Various,
Women's Singing Group Madzhare,
Pena Grozena,
Mixed Singing Group Elin Pelin,
Men's Singing Group Lukovit,
Gueorgiu Blagolo Rutev,
Zaharina Kotseva Stanoeva,
Kiril Pavlov,
Strandzhanskata Grupa,
Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble,
Kostadin Varimezov,
Stoina Groueva,
Stojan Velichkov,
Atanas Vulchev,
Stoyanka Boneva,
Dancho Tsvetkov
LW> Excellent selection of both Village styles and professional musicians/singers LW-3119,
Track table (LW-3183,LW-3119)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1,1 Krai Goritza Mlad Nezhenen Hodi Women's Singing Group Madzhare LW> A Capella women's song from Shopluk
A2,2 Vido Mome Vido Dva Vetra Veyat Women's Singing Group Madzhare LW> Women's Shopluk acapella singing group - excellent
A3,3 Sine Stoyane, Stoyane Pena Grozena voice LW> Very nice song
A4,4 Dve Nevesti Oro Vodat Mixed Singing Group Elin Pelin LW> Very nice men's & women's a capella song from Elin Pelin
A5,5 Stani Nine Gospodine Men's Singing Group Lukovit LW> Excellent version of this song
A6,6 Stoyan Nadolu Otiva Gueorgiu Blagolo Rutev voice,
LW> Shepherd's song for voice and gaida
A7,7 Stanio Shileta Paseshe Zaharina Kotseva Stanoeva LW> Very nice song
A8,8 Bavna Melodiya i Ruchenitsa Kiril Pavlov kaval ruchenitsa LW> Very good playing - Selo Elin Pelin (shopluk)
B1,9 Pravo Trakysko Horo Strandzhanskata Grupa bitov pravo LW> Excellent tune
B2,10 Ot Med Li Ti Sa Ustats Momne Le Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble LW> Excellent song
B3,11 Svartbarska Melodiya & Ruchenitsa Kostadin Varimezov ruchenitsa LW> Excellent tunes - the album does specifically credit Varimezov with this tune, but, given the liner notes, and playing it seem probable.
B4,12 Ne Treperi Byala Koprinko Stoina Groueva LW> Impressive singing
B5,13 Daichovo Horo Stojan Velichkov kaval daichovo LW> Solo Kaval tune..... excellent (not particularly good for dancing because of solo instrument)
B6,14 Mete Moma Dvorouve (Pravo Horo) Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble pravo LW> Beuatifully recorded and sung .... but short
B7,15 Gankino Horo Atanas Vulchev gadulka gankino LW> Solo Gudulka - album indicates "Atanas Vlathev" as gudular; I think this is a type and should be "Atanas Vulchev". Excellet tune - not good for dancing because of solo instrument.
B8,16 Tri Byulbyula Peyat Stoyanka Boneva LW> Beautifully sung.
B9,17 Pravo Horo Dancho Tsvetkov tambura pravo LW> Excellent tambura player from Shopluk (played in Nat'l ensemble around 1965)
B10,18 Lele Yane, Belo Yane Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble LW> Beautifully sung tune
Score table
Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB0444 Bulgaria 2223 daichovo Daichovo horo kaval Stoyan Velichkov Caprice-1085
EB0772 Bulgaria 223 ruchenitsa Svatbarska ruchenitsa gaida Kostadin Varimezov Caprice-1085 ballad preceeds
EB0816 Bulgaria 33 pravo Pravo Trakiisko horo gaida,
Strandzhanskata Groupa Caprice-1085
XX0216 Bulgaria 0 bavna pesen Svatbarska melodiya gaida Kostadin Varimezov Caprice-1085 to learn, preceeds ruchenitsa