Erik's Music Database - album Gega-171

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
GEGA GD 171 1ST Bulgaria,
Trio "Bulgarka-Penev" Folk Songs Bulgarka voice,
LW> Interesting modern arrangements including some "skat" singing, other tune more traditional.;;Singers:;Stoyanka Boneva;Snejana Borissova;Maya Dencheva LW-2772
Track table (LW-2772)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
1 Konya Yazdi Bulgarka voice LW> I don't like the "scat" singing in this tune
2 Veiko Oreova (Jovino) Bulgarka voice jove LW> I don't like the "scat" going on in this song.
3 Oi, Matse Bulgarka LW> Some parts are nice, but others have this "scat" that I'm not fond of.
4 Skroi Mi Mama (Ruchenitsa) Bulgarka voice ruchenitsa LW> Nice song, but harmonies don't wuite work for mne.
5 Byalo Rade Bulgarka voice LW> I don't like the vocal arrangement
6 Padna Mugla Bulgarka voice,
LW> Interesting arrangement with a piano - very pretty - but not my taste
7 Kukusheryat Ide (Paidushko) Bulgarka voice paidushko LW> Nice tune - but not for dancing because of the instrumental breaks.
8 Karai, Maicho Bulgarka LW> Excellent rendition of this tune
9 Oi Ela Mi, Felidye (Shirto\Lesnoto) Bulgarka voice lesnoto LW> Very Nice recording of this tune.
10 Oi, Choban, Choban (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Bulgarka voice,
pravo LW> Interesting recording, I kind of like it...mostly acapella with sime gudulka instrumental licks
11 Kemene Mi Drunka (Graovsko) Bulgarka voice graovsko LW> Nice arrangement - medium temp (not fast)
12 Kiradyiiche (Bavna Pesen) Bulgarka voice LW> Very nice tune
13 Izgreyala E Mesechinka Bulgarka LW> Interesting arrangement - in a round - quite nicely done, but not traditional
14 Smilyana (Stari Gradski) Bulgarka voice,
waltz LW> Waltz time - arrangement include a piano - but tastefully incorporated.
15 Ishu Ishu (Kopanica) Bulgarka voice gankino LW> Not a particularly good dance tune.
16 Svedim Kalyo (Pravo Trakysko Horo) Bulgarka voice pravo LW> The singers voice is not particularly strong in this tune, nice instrumentation.
17 Da Znaish Maicho Bulgarka LW> Rhodope region song - acapella arrengement
18 Tsuftelo E Ruya Bulgarka voice LW> Nice, but nothing special here for me.
Score table
Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB3140 Bulgaria 2223,
daichovo Padna Mugla voice,
Trio Bulgarka Gega-171 YouTube RamonaW cont on EB3151