Erik's Music Database - album Outlet-1024

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Outlet SOLP 1024 7S Ireland Pride of Wexford John Whelan EB-LP

No track list is currently available for this recording.

Score table
Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB1282B Ireland 333 slip jig Hardyman the Fiddler accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1283 Ireland 2 reel Farewell to Erin accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1284A Ireland 2 reel All Around the World accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1284B Ireland 2 reel Boys of Balisdare accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1285A Ireland 33 jig Kitty's Rambles accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1285B Ireland 33 jig Cliffs of Mohir accordion John Whelan Outlet-1024
EB1441B Ireland 2 reel Humours of Loughrea;Tommy Whelan's Outlet-1024 SF-Bulg_Irish_Cajun