Erik's Music Database - album Radioprom-1455

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
RADIOPROM 1455 2ST Bulgaria Radioprom #1455 - Boris Mashalov & Boris Karlov Orch Boris Karlov Orchestra,
Boris Mashalov
voice pravo LW> Excellent tunes - both singing and instrumental arrangement LW-2890
Track table (LW-2890)
# Title Performer Instrument Rhythm Notes
A1 Zasvirili Sa Done (Pravo Horo) Boris Karlov Orchestra,
Boris Mashalov
voice pravo LW> Excellent rendition of this tune! (other versions with Kosta Kolev orch or Ivan Kirev orch are too orchestrated)
B1 Kuncho, Kuncho (Pravo Horo) Boris Karlov Orchestra,
Boris Mashalov
voice pravo LW> Very nice song - a bit too heavy on the "bass" in the recording, but otherwise very nice
Score table
Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB1532A Bulgaria 33 pravo Kuncho, Kuncho voice Boris Mashalov Radioprom-1455
EB1537A Bulgaria 33 pravo Zasvirili sa, Dojne voice Boris Mashalov Balkanton-199,